This seems a regularly requested feature, which would be a practical solution to organizing screens. Surely this would not be such a challenge for the wizards in the Garmin Developer world. Please add this to feature.
This seems a regularly requested feature, which would be a practical solution to organizing screens. Surely this would not be such a challenge for the wizards in the Garmin Developer world. Please add this to feature.
Nor is it a great challenge to write a simple rule in the device's software:
sunrise to sunset: screen backlight off
sunset to sunrise: screen backlight on
And what, and nothing, written to them plenty of times for many years. Get used to the fact that the simplest / trivial / expected changes are not implemented, while those that nobody needs ( such as the inclusion of the distance / time of ascents on ski lifts to the total distance traveled on skis / board ) are eagerly implemented by garmin.
Yes, of course, you can use their site to communicate ideas ( ) - which, by the way, no one reads.