When following a route using navigtion, does the screen go back to a data fields screen after a turn?

Just ordered a Garmin 1040 for my wife (expecting to receive it this week) and I was wondering if this is a default behaviour or is it something that has to be setup deliberately.

When following a route using navigtion, does the map screen switch back to a data screen (I will setup at least 2 screens - some data fields and the second the map) after you've taken a turn?

If that's not the default behavior, is it possible to set it up like that?  This will drive my wife nuts if she has to manually switch back to the data fields as she watches her HR very closely.  

I know you can probabl setup the HR field on the map, but that's not the only piece of data she will want to see and I don't want to "crowd" the map screen.


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