What does the 1040 consider a base ride?

I did a 2hr ride with several intervals in it, which my Garmin 1040 for some reason considers a "base" ride. I wonder how it calculates that?

2hr, 60.31km,  avg HR 128bpm, max 153bpm. Avg power 199w, NP 231w, IF (according to Garmin: 0.823, TSS 135.1, 1433KJ, Load 220. 
Training effect: 
Primary benefit: Base
Aerobic: 3.8
Anaerobic 2.7

My RHR 38, max hr ~170, LT1 hr ~120bpm, LT2 hr ~155bpm, LT1 power ~180w, LT2 power ~280w.

I would consider this at least a tempo ride, and certainly not base. It also didn't feel like a base ride, nor was it supposed to be.