Flickering screen when charging all new 1040, why is that?

When charging my all new 1040 the screen flickers, why is that? As soon as the cable is removed it stops. 

Also the screen is constantly on. Is that normal?

  • The same problem but It arises only when I'm using particular chargers. As I understand edge can't negotiate charge mode and try to inform you by showing a lot messages on the screen and it looks like blink... 

  • Thanks for reaching out. Sounds like the issue I have. Would you know what charger is recomender or to What standard it needs to comply?? /cheers Smiley

  • Garmin advise using a USB-C to USB-A cable to prevent issues. If using this type of connection, the device charges at 5V/0.5A = 2.5W (standard USB voltage and amperage). While I find it ridiculous that a 2023 device doesn't adhere to USB spec (where the device tells the charger which mode to use), the safest route is to follow Garmin's advice. Charging it via a USB(-A!) port on a computer should always be safe. Using modern USB-C chargers with support for higher voltages and/or amperages results in higher charge rates, of which some seem to be able to cause errors or even damage to the device.
    Garmin says these chargers are 'too powerful', but it's the device that's connected that communicates the right mode. I have a 65W USB-C PD charger that can charge anything from my expensive laptop to my e-reader and cheap bicycle rear light (with a tiny 400mAh battery) without issues, except my Garmin Edge apparently...

  • Thanks for input. As I use a USB A charger. 0.5 A, 5v charger with the OEM cable, I find it strange, as you say, a 2023 device does not manage this. I’ll try with mu computer. Strange. 

  • In that case, I'm afraid there is something wrong with the device. I'd try charging via your computer, but contact Garmin if the screen keeps flickering then.

  • Adding to the charging woes here.  I recently did a multi-day ride that included camping overnight.  I used a battery bank (10mA) to charge my electronics (phone, edge, headphones).  The battery bank has a USB-C, USB-A and mini ports.  If I plugged the edge to the USB-C port on the bank, it would start flashing messages (too fast to read them) and will remain on no matter how many times I would physically turn it off.  If I changed the port to the USB-A then it would charge fine, albeit really slowly.  Since I also had to charge my phone using the USB-C port, that worked fine, but I agree that it seems a bit silly that in this day and age, a bike computer as sophisticated as the Edge 1040 can only use a limited input source.

  • I get this aswell. Using USB-A to USB-C cable provided with my 1040. Some chargers that used to be ok to charge my garmin now put up flickering message when I put on charge. Found I have to use particular charger with Garmin now. Is this a regression with a software update as I only started getting this problem recently?

  • Very interesting! What make /brand/model/specifikation of charger do you use?

  • ..and yet I have no issue with any Anker charger using USB C - C. Even high power versions. I guess it all comes down to the quality of charger. I have always found Anker are reliable and quality charges. 

    1. An old apple I-phone USB A charger made the difference. All good, Thanks for input Pray tone1Smiley