Map locked update issue

Hi, in the new Map Manager option on the 1040, I saw an update available for Europe.

I downloaded it - took 6 hours in total. When it was finally done loading and installing all seemed ok, but now the map has a 'locked' icon.
When I open the map I get an 'the map is locked, remove and reinstall this map'.

I then used Garmin Express to remove all the maps. Then reinstalled them, using Garmin Express again.

My 1040 still says it's locked.

So then I tried to delete it on my 1040 itself, but it simply doesn't do that. When I click delete, the Europe map is still visible in Map manager.

I prefer not to do a complete fabric restore.. anyone else ever got this issue?

  • Bonus - I just reinstalled the maps using Garmin Express. Now Map Manager shows the map as locked AND that there is a 15gb update available. What a mess.

  • Same here. On the device the version of the cycling map is Europa 2024.10 ,but Garmin Express says it is Europa 2021.10. The version on the device is locked and can not be unlocked. Has anyone a solution?

  • I fixed it by first making a backup of the whole Garmin folder to my HD, then deleting all the .gma and .img files in the root folder. I then connected with Garmin Express and reinstalled the maps.

    After that was done, I went to Map Manager on my 1040. It still said there was an update for the EU map, but when I hit Update it said something like 'syncing' which was done in 5 seconds. Then all was ok.

    Doing this is all on your own risk ofcourse since this does not match with the official Support instructions. They told me to delete all img files EXCEPT Gmapbmap.img.

    Problem is - that Gmapbmap.img wasn't even in my root folder. I heavily suspect the Beta changed the img filenames. I could compare it with a pre-beta backup I made, which did have a gmapbmap.img and all the mapfilenames were completely different.

    Could you do me a big favor and let me know if you have a gmapbap.img in your Root folder? I tried to discuss this with Support but the only thing they are capable of is sending me automatic replies, ignoring everything I say. Quite frustrating. They keep insisting that the Garmin doesn't function without a gmapbmap and I have to send my 1040 to them to replace it with a refurbished one.

  • Hi, Yes, I have gmapbmap.img in my root folder on the device.

    I deleted all *img files from my 1040 device. Then I updated via map manager on my device. Now it works with cycling map 2024.10. Garmin Express still thinks I have 2021.10 ;).. But, it works on my device, that is what counts. Good luck.

  • You deleted all img files except gmapbmap.img I assume?

    I also had a weird mismatch between Express and the 1040 after I updated the maps from Map Manager. When I did it the way I described above, all was ok again, Express also shows me 2024.10.

    Superweird that somehow my gmapbmap got deleted. I aborted the install with Map Manager because after starting it showed me it would take 6 hours, maybe that's the point where things went wrong. Anyway, I had a backup of the gmapbmap file and put that back on the 1040, although it's still not clear to me what that file does. Navigating works fine without it.

  • It seems that recent versions of Express also deletes the basemap when you delete (all?) maps from Express map manager. The basemap gets reinstalled when you install at least one map. 

    At least that is the behavior I saw with my unit when I did a map re-install with Garmin Express.

  • Interesting, that could be it, I did delete all the maps with Express while I was trying to fix the 'map locked' issue. But after installing the maps again, it did not reinstall the Basemap. I had a backup of it though so I just copied it back, although I'm not quite sure if it's even needed, Everything worked fine without it as far as I could tell.

  • The basemap is not really necessary, afaik. It is displayed when you zoom out a lot. Because the basemap doesn’t have much detail it will speed up map drawing.

  • Thanks for confirming. Crazy thing is Support is insisting the 1040 doesn't work without the basemap and I need to send it in to replace it with a refurbished one.
    But their support is quite frustrating - only getting standard procedure replies instead of an actual answer to my question.

  • Same here. I had 3 separate maps for Europe (East, Middle, West), all from 2021. Garmin Express tried to update them to 2024.10. Downloading works, installing fails and now I can only use the basemap on my device. The Map Manager on the 1040 says that the 2024.10 Europe map is there, but it is locked (note: it doesn't mention the 3 separate Europe maps, just 1) and removing it fails. I tried to add other maps to unlock the Europe map, but no success.

    After creating a backup of the Garmin folder, I removed the .img and .gma files, including the gmapbmap.img basemap. Then I connected with Garmin Express and reinstalled the 2024.10 East, Middle and West Europe maps.

    Garmin Express re-installs the gmapbmap.img and gmaptz.img files and installed the 2024.10 Europe map. On the 1040, the Europe map is now available, but still locked. As the device suggests, I removed the locked map with the Map Manager.

    Then I installed the 2024.10 Europe map with the Map Manager on the 1040. It took 7+ hours and I had to disable Auto Sleep in the activity profile to prevent the device from going to sleep and pausing the map download.

    What an utterly painful process.