RideWithGPS course POIs

I am interested in using the Edge 1040 for ultra-endurance riding and touring. I use RideWithGPS and have tried to import the POIs generated into Garmin Connect.

I know this question has been raised before, and use the Export as GPX function, clicking the "include POI as waypoints" option.

The Garmin Connect web viewer properly displays the POIs as Course Points, however when this is transferred to my Edge, all Course Points display at 0km and are therefore useless.

Garmin has states that Course Points may not be properly imported when using watches (here) - "When importing a third-party course with waypoints into Garmin Connect, waypoints may not be preserved and may not appear on the watch when following the course. It is recommended to create Course Points in Garmin Connect. For more information on Course Points, and viewing them on a watch, see Related."

Is there any workaround for this on an Edge?

Thanks in advance!

  • I am also interested, I have the same experience. I didn't find any solution. It is very usefull for long trip

  • In the Netherlands, we have a network of nodes (Knooppunten) and a website (Fietsknoop) to plan a route based on this. When I then import the GPX into Garmin Connect and transfer to the 1040 all Course Points are displayed at 0 but are visible on the map. To make them visible in the overview with the corresponding intermediate km's, I move each Course Point a little bit in Garmin Connect.

  • This must be a RideWithGps problem because my routes with course points from plotaroute.com are correctly transferred to Garmin Connect and subsequently to my Edge 1040.

  • Assuming the 1040 is compatible with Basecamp, you may have more success by importing the RWGPS waypoint GPX file into Basecamp and then sending the waypoints to the Edge, where they will appear as saved locations.

    They are not course points, a course to or through them still needs to be created.

  • Not an expert, but AFAIK Garmin "Course Points" have to be on a route, and interesting locations outside the route (that you may want to go to) are "Saved Locations".   I have not found a way to import in one shot both a route with course points and saved locations.

    Personally, I export the route from RWGPS into plotaroute.com because this is the only software that I found that allows creating course points that show up with proper icons on the 1040. I also directly put the generated file on the 1040 so that Garmin Connect doesn't mess up the elevation profile (but that's another story)

    And if there are other spots (not on a route) that I do want to add to the map (like water points, etc..), I export the POI in a GPX file, that gets imported via basecamp as saved locations.

  • Interesting - I’ve always been curious about the elevation profile. Everything converted into Garmin Connect appears to be double. I’d be interested if this data is transferred into the Edge when syncing, or if this is somehow corrected.

  • I’ve tried this as well - rather than moving existing Course Points, I create new ones and delete those from the import. Does moving a little really correct the problem?

  • Re: elevation profile, AFAIK Garmin Connect recomputes the elevation profile, then it gets computed again once transferred on the 1040. So you end up with 3 different numbers for total elevation (the original RWGPS, the web garmin connect and the on-device syncnronized route).

    I don't really care about 3 different numbers. Elevation profile is notoriously hard to define, and depends on how much sampling is done. But it appears that the Garmin way of computing the elevation profiles tends to smooth the climbs too much, so the net result is that the routes imported using garmin connect miss many of the smaller climbs in ClimbPro because they fall below the threshold (500m/3%).

    I found that exporting routes from RWGPS (adding course points via plotaroute) and putting the fit file directly on the garmin's in the NewFiles folder (https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=rzvP53Si4O3barYoXzw5L7) gives me the most realistic elevation profile so more smaller climbs show up in ClimbPro.

  • Depending on what you want to use the waypoints for, I find Ridewithgps's _custom cues_ to be what I want. Effectively they are POI's when using the route on the device. The device keeps real time track on distance to the next / all custom cues etc.

    First off, clean all cues in RWGPS route planner, and then add custom cues as desired in the route. (probably where you have the POI's)

    Also, this works just nice if you have set up the "marrige" between RWGPS and Garmin Connect, and just pinning the route in RWGPS for transferring the route to edge device, to not have to faff around with manual file exports. 

    Maybe that has the desired effect you are searching for?

  • I started with creating new ones and deleting the old ones but found out that moving them a little works faster.