alert management

There are two single tone audible alerts that matter to me.

  1. smart eat
  2. smart drink

That's it. I don't want an audible beep for anything else. Inreach found a satellite lost a satellite, found a satellite? Sure throw a notice on the screen, but it doesn't warrant a beep EVERY TIME an Iridium satellite connection happens.

So Garmin employees, go for a ride with an InReach connected to your Edge, when Smart Eat/Drink is enabled. Don't look at the screen. What was that single tone beep for? Do you know? Well if you weren't looking at the computer You're not going to know. Odds are that if it's a drink and you're not thirsty you're going to blow it off, then before you know it, you're dehydrated.

So either let us disable the non stop beeping of satellite connections, or give us the ability to change the number of tones for a given alert. I'd rather keep my eyes on the road/trail.

The only other option is to connect the InReach once when I start. Send a message from the Edge, then disconnect it until I want to use it again. What's point in that? Why can't I have it connected and not be an alert spammer? WHY?