Edge 1040 Series SW 21.17 - Power Meter Issue


ever since I installed fw version 21.17 my Assioma2 power meter periodically loses connection and the session is missing a large part of the data that Assioma sends. If I can't find a workaround I would like to downgrade to fw version 21.16. where can I find the bin file?

  • i checked it (and your past activities on strava), i didnt find any anomalies comparing the new rides and the old ones, everything looks normal (i calculated the power too, if you are apprx 75kg + 11kg bike with clothes+accessories, then the power/speed ratio are good too on hills, same as before). the Assioma (and other sensors)'s signal strength is superb , above 90% (and you have varia radar too which always a problem), so i dont see any problem here...

  • the Varia Radar on a Garmin's device is a problem then Garmin has a Problem.

    I assure you that the power value was wrong, The same ride in February (feb activity) where I was much more trained, and lighter, at a slightly lower average, I finished with a Stamina value of 38 while on Thursday with a higher average, more ballast (I gained a few kilos) the Stamina value was 48 and the average power value much lower

  • this stamina "gimmick" is not a real measurement, it is a Garmin-made fictional thing, maybe the temperature also affect for the speed of the decreasing, do not watch it , totally useless feature (i often go to zero=1% after 2hs and i easily ride another 3hs :D, dumb feature...). what is (more) important is the power/speed ratio (if you know the total weight and the circumstances, i mean, what was the wind direction and how strong, solo or group effort, etc) . the power and the connection between the Assioma and Edge is perfect in your case.

  • What are we supposed to do about this? I have power reading dropouts since the end of May that I'm aware. It is pointless to me to have a computer that doesn't record the data. I also have the Assioma pedals. My Garmin watch (which i now must use as a backup) records all the power data, as does my karoo 2 and my garmin 520 computer. I have never had this issue before and it is becoming tiring to try and guess what might resolve it (resetting, power off, remove sensors, ant or bluetooth etc) If there was a real solution would it not be obvious. I think i'm going to return the 1040. Also, the radar connection drops as well as Di2 occasionally. I was sure that I must have a faulty unit but maybe this is a wider issue with the 1040. 

  • Its not just an issue on the 1040, I have the same issue with my Assioma Uno power meter on mu Garmin Edge 540. Still not fixed after installing 21.18. If you have a solution, feel free to share!

  • i've been using Assioma pedals for 4 years. i had a garmin 520 and then a Karoo 2. I never had an issue with connections especially power meter signal dropping out intermittently. The 1040 since i got it a few months ago has not worked well for me which is surprising since i've had ample number of garmin devices in the past without issue. My only solution is to return it if possible. What it the point if it doesn't record the data. Also I get dropouts with the Di2 and radar. The Di2 is sometimes really laggy or not updating consistently. This was my first annoyance with 1040 since i specifically switched from karoo2 because it no longer supported Di2. Now I have noticed that the power numbers on my rides are low because it's not recording consistently throughout the ride. Well, I'm back using the Karoo2 now. Something is not right with this 1040 and maybe it's the software if you are also having issues with 540. If the issue hasn't been fixed by now what hope is there. It's not a newly released device at this point.  

  • I had the same issue yesterday. Power was doubled, halved. I tried to recalibrate a couple of times. RL's balance was quite off. All my devices are using ANT+ (Di2 and HR)

    Could you take a look at FIT file please?
