Why have my Classic Theme Roads turned Blue/Gray (Maps 2024.10)?

Yesterday I spent the hours needed to update maps to 2024.10 (it didn't actually take long)

Today first (indoor) ride and "what the....", the roads using the Classic Theme have changed to shades of blue / grey rather than the nice various colors (preferred), can't yet detect and change in MTB or High-Constrast Themes. Would have been nice to have warning, I would have delayed the "upgrade", yes I can use the MapTheme to get back the preferred colors but another few hours?

             Previous Classic Theme Road Colors                               New Classic Theme Colors                         


                           New MTB Colors                                                   New High Contrast Colors                 


  • They messed up the looking of maps … again!

    It‘s not only the colors of their own maps. Now 3rd party maps became unusable because of their manipulations in beta 21.14…

  • So the color change is actually due to a change in the 2024.10 EU map and not on the Edge. The net result is that has changed for you.

  • But 's Third Party Map issue seems to be more than just "color". I can likely deal with changes to road color via the MapTheme but the Edge MapTheme implementation is missing some of the style attributes (up to 20.x have not looked at 21.16 yet) like "scale" and "border" or "width" that are in some other implementations (Watch, Car, Zumo). If these were supported on the Edge then a lot more could be done via MapThemes and a lot more useful than some of the very obscure changes previously implemented (IMO of course)

    PS Seems the beta discussion sections have been closed already so we will just have to continue here.

  • And while I didn't like the Blue/Gray color originally I think the new Maps result in most of the minor roads I use being slightly wider and the Course line seems to fill the underlying road making it a bit more visible. I will press on with reviewing.

  • No big deal but the road colors don't seem to be consistent between regions now, the Blue/Gray seems to be Europe while Australia is like the web OSM Maps as they both were (for Classic Theme) before 2024.10 Maps. I used to think that "Classic" meant "same as OSM (on web)?" I will get used to it I suppose. Classic (Europe) seems to be like a clone of High Vis with a different "Land" background and Blue/Gray roads rather than Black/Gray.

  • Edge 1040 MapThemes sucks, totaly. Last two updates messed up my custom made MapThemes too. Give us Birdseye/sat maps, please!

  • I just bought myself a new Explore 2, which suffers from the same problem, horrible map views.

    Now I wonder, there must be lots of people out there that have a backup of the older Map Themes, or simply access to an older unit that hasn't been updated yet to these new themes.

    Is there somebody out there that could, one way or another, provide us with the older Classic and Mountain Themes to make the maps look better again?? (These are fairly small .kmtf files, you could even just copy the contents here as text and we could save them as .kmtf)

    I know there's kmtf-editors, but one has to know what one's doing, just taking an old file is so much easier!

    Thanks in advance!

  • The change occurred with the 2024.10 map updates not the software MapThemes which did not change. The road colors can be changed back to previous by adding road MapTheme styles, that’s why MTB & Hi Vis are the same, Classic theme does not have theme styles for roads so the colors come from a software default or the map itself. I started to change the Classic styles but got distracted with 23.10 beta testing and it is also needs a bit of work to reconcile Garmin style naming with OSM road category names

  • Thanks, I'll give it a try.

    By the way, does a Map update really update the complete (couple of GB) map file? It won't do this automatically, no?

    (and less so in an Explore 2 where it's done over bluetooth, no Wifi)