Strava Live Segments - still not solved?

Hello guys, 

Got a premium Strava just to test Live Segments. It works ... terrible. Sometimes they are works and appears during the ride but 95% cases it does not appear at all. 
Googled it already ... and seems that is a general problems with Edge devices (not only 1040). 

Found on Strava forum "workaround":

need to ensure that the route was created after the segments were starred. You cannot even just copy/duplicate the previous route (that has no effect), you actually need to draw it manually from start to finish. 

Completely not acceptable for me.. Is it really, still not solved issue with Strava Live Segments? :(

  • it's working for me just fine but man that "off course" noise is possibly the most annoying thing in the history of cycling and there's no way to shut it off

  • I've tried everything, I think: unstar/star segments on Strava, unpair/pair strava to garmin, changed strava segments to garmin segments and then back to strava's, even restore to factory settings my edge. I have my starred segments on Edge, "segments" are on in my profile.

     did some testing and what I saw is that live segments are working (meaning poping up just before segment) only when I ride "free ride", without any course  loaded.  Once I choose any course... segments are not working. 

    any cues?? :(

  • The course must be created in Strava and synced to Garmin Connect and then to the Edge,

  • no, that doesn't work either. I've drew new route on Strava. I starred it, the course has showed up in Connect and then synced with Edge. And yet ... strava segment didn't appear.
    I backed up to the start of the climb, canceled my course and started "free ride". Strava segment work like a charm then.
    Whaaat a craaap.

    Any other clues, guys?

  • No clues, its not working! Im trying to find solution to this for about a year now but no success. I tried everything, some segments work but majority of my favorite segments not work even when route was created in strava after staring segment. I was using wahoo unit before and didnt need to read any forum, everything just work. i did star on segment in strava and it work immidiately regardless if i had navigation on or off , or what app i used to make a route! Even u can stared as many segments u want for wahoo but there is limit to 100 segments for garmin. So i was forced to unstar my favorite segments from my bike holiday destinations. One by one. And its not easy to figure out how many stared segments i have in strava.  Yes, Garmin is a CRAAP! I was waiting one year if something will be better but its worst now - i cant even correctly setup zones for PWR and HR, unit is turning off/restarting with no reason, connection to sensors is unreliable and much, much more. Some free mobile apps works better than this 600euro beta unit.