20.19 Bug Report: Extra laps during workout with *crazy* data led to broken timer

Because I can't post in https://forums.garmin.com/beta-program/edge-1040-series/public-beta-bug-reports/ for some reason, I guess I'm posting here. I noticed during my workout that my "Timer" field was reporting an hour longer than I thought I'd been out for. Sure enough, checked the "Elapsed Time" field and it was correct. Looked at my laps and found some *crazy* stuff. Three different erroneous laps with either 53 feet traveled for 15:58 minutes (what?! "Lap 5") or 26687.6 miles in 35:21 ("Lap 14" right after "Lap 13" which was similarly wrong like "Lap 5"). Neither of these laps actually occurred in real life. I was paused a couple times, and at some point noticed that my endurance interval (second to last block in the workout) had been skipped, so I used the workout navigator to get back to it. It seems like these bad laps got added to the "Timer" (but not "Elapsed Time").

Look, I've mostly been bug-free with the Edge 1040. Or at least they've been small enough not to care (like the graphs on the workout summary being nonsense). But this was whack and needs to be looked at. I am enrolled in the beta program and am running SW 20.19, which was released to GA. It's an Edge 1040, not-solar.

  • What is the date of the crash? 3/30/24
  • What is the current behavior and what is the expected behavior? Described above.
  • Can you reproduce the behavior? If so, list the steps. Nope.
  • Did your device freeze or shutdown? If so, are there any error reports you can provide? Nope.
  • Were you using any accessories? If so, which ones? Varia radar, SRAM AXS shifters, HRM Pro+
  • GPS on or off? On.
  • Were you running a workout? If so, please attach your workout and activity file. Yes, both uploaded to the support uploader tool.
  • Were you recording an activity (i.e. was the timer running)? If so, please attach your activity file. Yes, uploaded.
  • What page were you on when you encountered the issue? Laps?
  • Photos of the watch screen showing the issue are always helpful!
  • The better the description the faster we will be able to track it down and fix it OR the faster we may be able to add it/change it.