It appears that newest update broke third party maps. Is it a common problem and is Garmin working on a solution?
It appears that newest update broke third party maps. Is it a common problem and is Garmin working on a solution?
It's unbelievable how Garmin manages time by time again to not fix known bugs with new firmware updates and to create new bugs in basic functionalities that worked well until then. Garmin just keeps sleeping…
With Openfietsmap the same problem - 2 thick black lines for streets - like mcinner1.
Does anyone know if Garmin is working on this issue? Or are they deliberately putting obstacles in the way of third-party map creators and users?
@peggatsch, @mcinner1, can you please indicate which fields and where you can convert typ-files to bitmap-only so people can adapt the typ-file for their favourite map - in my case the OpenFietsMap Benelux? I'm using TypViewer 4.6.5 as a local and convenient typ-editor (
OpenFiets highway=secondary
line indicating the line width:
;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/ARTERIAL/Main city thoroughfare/Non NT, NT
Xpm="0 0 2 0"
"1 c #FFCA00"
"2 c #7B6500"
String1=0x04,secondary highway
String2=0x03,Provinciale weg
same as bitmap
;GRMN_TYPE: Roads/ARTERIAL/Main city thoroughfare/Non NT, NT
Xpm="32 7 2 1"
"! c #FFCA00"
"# c #7B6500"
String1=0x04,secondary highway
String2=0x03,Provinciale weg
Thanks a lot for your quick response! How-to is clear, changing all non-bitmap line-types will require quite some work to do...
Where can I find and edit this TYP file?
In addition, the map view now ignores settings in the .TYP file related to font size and color, or text visibility for POIs. I had city names in big red font set in TYP. And the names of shops, schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, cemeteries, etc. were hidden. Everything is now visible and the small black font. I don't need to see it.
Where can I find and edit this TYP file?
I use MapTK for OpenMTBmap: