It appears that newest update broke third party maps. Is it a common problem and is Garmin working on a solution?
It appears that newest update broke third party maps. Is it a common problem and is Garmin working on a solution?
It's unbelievable how Garmin manages time by time again to not fix known bugs with new firmware updates and to create new bugs in basic functionalities that worked well until then. Garmin just keeps sleeping…
With Openfietsmap the same problem - 2 thick black lines for streets - like mcinner1.
Does anyone know if Garmin is working on this issue? Or are they deliberately putting obstacles in the way of third-party map creators and users?
While some issues with 20.19 are reported nothing specifically with third party maps, can you provide some details regarding your “common problems”, screen shots always help.
Many of the reported release issues seem to be resolved with a factory reset and restore of settings / profiles from GCM. Also check settings as some can get changed by release installations but we don’t know just what your problems are.
I wonder whether a solution to this issue was found.
I just built a custom map that I can see on all my Garmin devices (Edge 530, Etrex 32x and GPSMAP 65) but not in the 1040 solar. It does not show in the map list that allows to enable/disable them.
My edge 1040 has the beta 21.14 firmware. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you
You need to post this in the Beta forum.
Is seems this problem started in earlier releases, that is why I posted it here. I will post there as well. Thanks
I run into another problem with beta 21.14:
I‘m using OpenMTBmap and I can enable it, but now the map looks different (uggly):
Unfortunately I cannot upload pictures in the beta-discussion forum.
(will try again…)
It used to look like this:
I use third-party maps from TalkyToaster and had to (on previous firmware versions) set the map view to "Classic" to display:
This also affects Garmins own maps (older) which often used non bitmap lines. It's Gamin messing around with colours as they were too stupid to provide proper typ-files when publishing their maps (and now try to up the contrast messing with how the maps are displayed not sticking to the definitions given in typfiles).