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20.19: Successful turns are not recognized

I made my first ride with a loaded course since upgrading to firmware 20.19. The turn popups always came in time but every time the popup kept beeing on the screen after I made the turn. The blue triangle for my current position showed I'm perfectly on the course and the turn was behind me but the Edge insisted I still have to make the turn. It even did increase the distance to turn again after it went down correctly to 0. Only when the next turn was due the old popup did vanish or when I rode for some minutes the popup closed automatically.

  • It's working normally for me. I'm not sure what settings would cause that, but it might be worth exploring. 20.19 installation seems to me to cause issues, so it may be worth doing a factory reset - I had (different) problems, and had to do two factory resets before I could get it working properly. It's now fine - feels as though it's working better than it has for a good few updates. 

    It might also be worth thinking about the source of the file you're using for navigating the course, if the source is different to usual. 

  • Thanks for the feedback! The source can't be the problem as I had used the same course some months before and yesterday it happened with another (Komoot) course. Another symptom is that I can easily close the turn popup before the turn with the "x" but after the turn the screen can't be changed manually. After the ride I downgraded to 19.22 and will see soon if the problem has gone.

  • Did the downgrade help for you?
    I also face issues with the tunr guidance since updating to 20.19.

    How can I downgrade? I only know the "Check for Updates" functionality. Also a factory reset did not downgrade the SW on my device.

  • Downgrading and firmware reset helped, I don't know which one of them was the solution.  Anyway, I'm now on Beta 21.14 and don't have any new problems with it. How you enroll is explained in, so you don't really need to downgrade where you need a PC with Garmin Express and the firmware file for 19.22

  • Thanks for that hint!

    Updating to a new version feels better than downgrading - I'll give that a try :-)


  • Hi,

    I'm running the latest firmware 21.18 but still having this issue.
    I use Strava router builder for years and it always workes for me.

    So since a while everytime I make a turn the screen is hanging for 30 seconds and then it is gone.

    Did a firmware reset and it solved the issue..but after 2 rides then it started again.

    Anyone having a perminant solution?