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How to disable ERG?

How do I run a workout in free ride mode while connected to a smart trainer, without using ERG? I'm doing short intervals where ERG does not work (and my coach has said not to use) and while I can set a resistance once, as soon as the next interval starts it reverts to ERG mode.

  • ERG has nothing to do with Edge 1040. Wrong forum.

  • You are incorrect. When the Edge 1040 is connected to a smart trainer such as a Wahoo Kickr, an indoor ride is started, and a workout is followed, it controls the trainer in ERG mode. I’d like to turn this off.

  • don’t do a workout controlled by the Edge , but choose to do a free ride and do your intervals “yourself”  .

  • That is essentially what I'm relegated to doing. I loaded the workout in Zwift to follow (which allows ERG to be turned off) and simply recorded a free ride on my Garmin. The good news is that the missing laps (from lack of following a workout in the recording) didn't matter to TrainingPeaks, it was able to apply laps from the planned workout. Still, would love to just follow it on my fancy computer!