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battery drain 19.19

Anyone noticed higher battery drain since updating to 19.19?

I did a 4 hour ride last week on firmware 18.25 started with 100% and finished at 87%. This is normal and excellent and no need to charge the 1040 after every ride, I normally let it drain to below 50% before re-charging 

Did a ride yesterday started at 85% and I was alarmed to see it was at 27% after 4½ hours.

I'm hoping this was just a one off.

  • I appreciate the tips on adjusting the automatic background brightness but I did not change any of these settings after the update to 19.19. I haven't had the chance to test after reducing the brightness setting yet to see if it will improve for me.
    This might help with the problem but I don't thing its is a solution. 

    There are also similar complaints in the Garmin 1040 Facebook group so it is affecting a lot of people.

    Hopefully Garmin will be able to fix this quickly.

  • Which Battery level IQ app are you using?

  • No confirm

    Thursday ride to work ( previous firmware):

    Today ride to work ( 19.19 firmware)

    My route to work is a pretty good indicator, because it's always the same distance, the same route, covered at the same hour :)
    Connected sensors: heart rate monitor, cadence sensor, speed sensor, varia rtl515, edge remote

  • What Battery Level IQ app is it ?   & for my part 90 minutes with HR & Power took  5% of the battery, backlight at 40% -> no problem

  • Same for me!

    Drained 53% for a 4-hour ride. Also lost for 5 minutes all the sensors and suddenly found it back without me touching anything (so just during the ride)

    Garmin please fix ASAP

  • What Battery Level IQ app is it ?

  • Same +1

    Before 19.19:


  • This is just insane! Today I took a short ride (11 km) and the computer went from 83% to 31%! 

    Time to cycle home from work. Now it said that I had 79% and I have not charged it since this morning!

    Ok, after 7 km it said 20% and then it shut down! When I arrived at home I plugged in it to charge it and then it said that I still had 77%!

    This isn`t working! I can`t even use it to go to the job and back home in one charge! Garmin, fix this!

  • Has anybody reverted firmware to 18.25 already?

  • I'm not sure that's necessary; whilst this seems to have introduced yet another bug, is it not the case that the issue is related to screen brightness? Although it's annoying to have to implement a workaround - especially on what SHOULD by now be a mature device - it's straightforward. 

    Or am I wrong, and are others still getting battery drain issues irrespective of brightness settings?