Not a deal breaking issue but an annoyance, since a recent update (18.x ?) the Altitude Acclimation notice is displayed after EVERY ride, real and Indoor.
The 1040 Owner's Manual page says "Your Edge® 1040 device provides acclimation notifications ... when the altitude is above 800 m (2625 ft.)." but I have not been above a real or virtual altitude of 300m for 12 months and I get the notice even after an Indoor ride! I live on a fairly flat continent where the highest mountain is 2,228m and that is 1000km from where I live so not a lot of acclimation to be had.
The notice gets annoying as it appears and has to be dismissed every ride, I have most "performance" stuff turned off but can't find a switch to turn this off too?
Why does it display if I have not been over the 800m and especially for indoor rides?