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Lap Ascent Datafield

Hi Everyone, 

i'm struggling a bit, not having a Lap Ascent data field. Is there anything planned? Why do I have it on my Fenix 5,6,7x and not on a big cycling computer?

Anyone has a reason for this? Yes, if my brain would work properly after several hard intervals or 5h+ rides this maybe wouldn't be an issue. But for me it's valuable information how i'm doing out there... 

Thanks in advance -- mirko

  • I'm really the only one who is missing this feature? 

  • If it is very important, I can write a CiQ field for you. Easy to do. I do not think many will use it, but since zero maintenance is needed and it is free, why not. Will see first what is needed to make it.

  • would be nice! There is one, but after you climbed 100hm it starts back at 0... so not usable for me... 

  • so yes, it is really really easy to build, can use the Garmin calculation for what it counts as ascent.

    there is already a CIQ field (Lap Ascent), so I will not bother making one. Currently has 181 downloads, so you are not alone :-)

  • I'm trying the lap ascent DF again! Yesterday it seems like it worked properly. No Reset after 99meter gain. It's a bit ugly that the number is off center but i can deal with it :) 

    thx anyway sirfive!

  • I need this on the Edge 840. Stupid a cycling computer don’t have lap ascent???

  • feel ya, and the connect iq one is a bit buggy... 

  • Ok, let us solve this together. You tell me what you want, I tell you what I can do and in a day we have a CIQ field that suits your needs (I hope).

    Let me start with what I think is the solution, please correct me if I am wrong.

    1) There is need for a datafield with lap-ascent

    2) *important*: the value of the standard Garmin field “Total Ascent” shows the correct value and can be used

    3) way of programming:

    -start of lap: get the current value of “TotalAscent” and name it “SA”

    -during lap: show the current value of “TotalAscent” minus “SA”

    -when a new lap starts: go to start of lap

    -> please note, as soon as you start a new lap, you cannot see the value anymore.

    -keep track of elevation, but then we come across a minefield of decisions how to handle

    4) wish list (?): save the value to the FIT file? Play a tune when you exceed 1000 meters (I have several songs readily available, but how about tune of Monkey Island)

    5) what needs the field’s name to be?

    Please give me your input, I will try and help you out.

  • There is already a data field made in connect iq but it doesn’t work for the 840. Here is the link for it.

    I’m not a developer so I’m not sure if it’s just possible to take this and change something to make it work with the 840. This same developer also has a data field called last lap ascent. I used both of these on my garmin 530 and they worked. 

    I think your approach of taking the current total ascent and subtracting it from the gaining ascent and showing that value could work. The name of the field should be Lap Ascent. 

  • 1. correct 

    2. yes

    3. this sound plausible. with the current connect iq "Lap Ascent" DF i have strange behavior. E.g. when i use a workout. The Lap Ascent don't fall back to 0, if the step is done. Maybe steps in a workout don't get handled exactly like a lap button press (something to consider). Also sometimes the datafield gets reseted, randomly (or i didn't found the cause)

    4. doesn't need to be saved exactly in fit file IMO. Monkey Island tune is a nice to have :) But i'll prefer a simple data field that works without side effects. 

    5. Lap Ascent -> in the Style of the default datafields. I know. this can be a hassle... 

    thanks in advance.