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Navigation and Strava live segments - any solution?

Does anyone have Strava live segments working whilst navigating a course on an edge 1040?  Could you share how you have got this working?

The live segment screen with time/PR/KOM etc shows up when riding a segment when I’m not following a course which suggests the segment data is on the unit and the live segment screen is working.

I have tried creating a route on strava (web) including the same segments, the course auto uploads to Garmin connect and then auto uploads to the edge unit.  If I follow the course then the segment screen does not show up - but the segment start/end is visible on the standard map screen.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I’m using an Edge 1040 solar with 17.29 firmware.

  • I have same issue. from June, Strava segment widget does not show up when I ride the course. I called to garmin support, they asked to send the garmin folder of my 1040 via garmin express. I will do it. The issue is with the new firmware.

    Yesterday during my ride I switched off navigation and strava segment widget started to work. So, the problem is with garmin software,

  • Strave segments work only in freeride mode, when foolowing a course or usung navigation live segments won't show up. I checked this on mine unit .

  • Strava segments works with navigation. Check the 1040 group on FB. The clue is to sync the route from strava with garmin connect in the proper way.

  • Well, I'm going to add further confusion to this thread. I was in Scotland last week to pick off 6 of the "100 Climbs" up there, and each of those "Official 100 Climbs" segments was starred in Strava. On all five riding days I was using navigation on the 1040 solar, but on the second day the one starred segment on that course came up, it even "jumped" on top of the Climb Pro screen whilst navigation was ongoing in the background.. Normal service prevailed every other day though, and the starred segments didn't show up at all. All routes were created in Strava Route Builder and transferred to the Garmin in the same way, so It's very odd that one segment worked on one route, whilst five on the other four didn't..

  • How many segments do you have on the Edge. Look in the Garmin\Segments folder

  • Hello

    Thanks for the responses so far, it seems there are various views and experiences.  A quick update - I managed to get Strava segments working whilst navigating on the 1040 for the first time. Still some issues - one later segment did not work, but 2x earlier ones did.  I’ll keep trying a few things.

    Here is what I did :

    • create an auto generated route on Strava app which includes some existing segments
    • The route auto syncs to Garmin, check the the on the Garmin app, it will not show the segments on the course map
    • Delete the route on Garmin, unstar the route on Strava and star it again so that it re syncs onto Garmin , this seems a critical step and seems to work around some quirk in Strava or Garmin
    • Look again at the course on the Garmin app, it should now highlight start and end points for the segment, this is something I’d never seen before
    • Course auto syncs to 1040 and when navigating the route the Strava segment screen will appear when out riding the course


    • If you take a detour and ride a starred segment that is not included in the route then the segment screen will not show up on the 1040
    • If you add segments on Strava after creating the route then I think you have to unstar/restar the route again to trigger another sync to Garmin

    I’ll keep trying a few things out and share any updates.  Any other ideas or info very welcome!  The 1040 Facebook page is also very helpful.

  • I have none now, because I un-starred them, but it was just the six.