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Stuck on power off

When i try to turn off the device it randomly stucks on the screen with power off logo and keeps draining the battery - even the backlight is on as you can see on the photo so I have to double check everytime i want to power off. Only hard reset helps. Firmware 17.26

  • It`s baaaccckkk. It took a couple of days. Hopefully they will solve this problem. Very annoying.

  • Hit this issue with 17.29 yesterday. After some (>10) tries the device returned to normal behavior and powered off correctly.

  • Was a regular problem for me until I discovered that by not logging into the Garmin Connect app on my iPhone while riding, is how this problem goes away for me. I have not logged into this app for about 3 weeks and have not had one freeze when powering off. My ride data is still being uploaded to Garmin, so that shows me that ride data is saving properly even when you are not logged into your Garmin account. I log into my account using my Windows 11 desktop to make sure rides are added. For me, there is no need to keep logged into Garmin Connect on my iPhone 24/7.