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Odd navigation behavior

On my 1040 I have the following settings (FW17.21)

Menu-Navigation-Couses-3dots-Turn Guidance [=off]

Menu-Navigation-Couses-3dots-Off Course Warning [=on]

Menu- ActivityProfiles-Navigation-RoutingMode [=Road Cycling]

Menu- ActivityProfiles-Navigation-Calculatiom Method [=Minimize Distance]
Menu- ActivityProfiles-Navigation-Routing-Course Recalculation [=auto pause]
Menu-AcitivityProfiles-Navigation-Routing-Route Recalculation [=off]

Menu- ActivityProfiles-Navigation-NavigationPrompts [=Text Only]

I experience on 2 points strange  (unexpected) behavior:

1. When following a GPX track, I get course instructions (Turn by turn), while it's switched off

2. I don't get a Beep when deviating from course (Menu-System-Tones =[on])

Any suggestions how to solve this?

  • In early FW versions there were errors relating to the status of various switches being ignored eg Turn Guidance was always on regardless of the enable/disable state, it was never acknowledged as and error in the change logs but went away in an update. Given Garmin’s well known software development standards including source code control it is possible the old issue has come back in the beta, I could of course be wrong, happy to be shown so. At the time there was some debate as to the interaction between turn guidance and off course switches an if both had to be off to stop the guidance, I was never convinced by that assertion. Being a GPX there are no course points so any guidance must come from the1040? The issue was co-incident with the 1040 generating “ghost courses” and would sometimes give guidance from the ghost course, even if 100s of kms away, rather than actual course followed, all while guidance was off . Hope it gets sorted before the beta becomes a release.

    ps I didn’t see this reported in the 17.xx beta errors forum, might be good to post a copy there too

  • You might want to post this question in the beta forum if you haven't already. You're more likely to get a response from those running v17 than v16.30.

  • Posted in bug reports.

  • Thanks for the feedback. Here is my update:

    I deleted all history rides and courses via the menu on the 1040, so the "Calc" and "Pointcache" folders are emptied.

    Following a gpx-track is now fine without "Turn Guidance". I'm happy and hope it stays that way!

    Still no Beep when leaving the track in [auto pause] modus.