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VO2max not updated on Edge 1040

Since the last update of my Edge 1040 (on 14.20 since released) I did not get any updated (value change) VO2Max although I had several rides with +2 to +10 (current condition). My VO2Max is constantly on 68 but should be around 71 now. We had this issue once on the 1030 OG before. I did ride about 1500km since the update. I am sure my divice is set correctly and the calculation is not on hold etc. I am a 10y user of Edge devices.

  • I’m not sure if this is related to what you are describing, but I found today that the widget for VO2max is not updating, while the VO2max is being updated.  After a workout mine was updated from 57 to 58.  When I click on the main screen’s indication of 57, I get a nice graph that shows 57 for several recent days and 58 for today.  The main screen does not update however.  I’m on the latest globally available firmware: 12.15

  • I have the same issue with Garmin 1040. Last year, I was using a Garmin 1030 and my V02 max a lot higher than this year for the same data. I am doing interval, sprint and my current condition is at +6 and my VO2 max still very low, doesn’t not change. Wonder if there is setting change that I have to make on my device. 

  • The VO2Max calculation does still not work correctly on the Edge 1040. I am using it for more than 6 months now and it never worked. It seems like it has a baseline it starts calculating from every new ride. It does not accumulate the new results from the last ride and starts using it as a new baseline. The base settings of my 1040 are correct. I checked it many times and it should calculate. It must be a bug.

  • Hi, I have just changed from 1030 plus to 1040 and my vo2 max has dropped from 54 to 51, if anything my form has improved in the last month. Garmin and inconsistent data go hand in hand. Don't start me on the rubbish sleep tracking on my fenix.