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Lock on road - not working in MTB profil

I did a planed MTB Course and "lock on Road" was disabled. But it was not working. I followed an bike way and the road was about 20 meter anway. The 1040 allways wants to pin me on the road, while i was on the bike way. This happed several times. On a junction my arrow followed the wrong street to the right, were i turned left. Aftrer a few seconds the route was corrected. 

Can somebody confirm this behavoir ?

  • This problem has not been solved yet, has it? Today I was trying to follow a small path of my course that did not appear on the map (Garmin cyclemap EU) but my location cursor insisted on standing over a path that that was actually drawn on the map, even though it was far away from my true position. 

    [customized MTB profile, Lock on road = off, Forksight = on]

    Solution on the fly: disabling all the maps relocates my triangle to the true position on the course and then you can follow it again, but over a blank map, as I used to do 30 years ago with my yellow etrex (or enable a map containig that small path)

    Luckily that my cell phone (BTW, with a price 5 times lower, hundreds of apps and 0 bugs) and Osmand helped me to position myself in a map.

    So, is this a bug (which I would find really incredible at this point) or it has something to do with Forksight or another setup??

    BTW, I'd understand the "Lock on road" feature to work only if you are relatively close to a road and riding parallel to it for a minimum time, and not this joke:

  • It has been a bug since release. My Old 1030 shows my actual position, even if that one also wants to lock me to a trail that is on the map even if anything that can lock you is turned off - and that applies also when you only use "Always show" instead of routing. I really doesn't know where Garmin collect it's routing from. Have tried to remove all Garmin maps and only put inn OpenStreetMap with the correct trail. Still routes wrong. Have updated OpenStreetMap global and deleted the trail that Garmin wants to use (as it doesn't exist anymore). Even then Garmin pins me on the wrong track.

  • I can't beleive that such basic functionlity for MTB does not work on a new unit. Is this a general issue for all the units or just for some of them?

  • This is a general issue with all units, and as a trail-rider, it's really annoying togheter with other navigation issues as well. I'm into my second 1040 allready and not a satisfied user. Even worse than this is that my screen rotates whenever I stop and points totally of course. That only affects some units, but for those that it does, it's make you lost out on the trail. When doing serious navigation I have to revert to my old 1030, that one also snaps to a wrong trail, but at least it position me right. 

  • This means you can't follow a self made course , or a section of it, that is nor mapped in your enabled map (wich is frequent in MTB) because If you take a not mapped path, you will loose the dark purple course from screen as your position mini-triangle will remain locked to some mapped "nearby" road and that will be what you see. 

    For road cycling wont be a problem in most cases as most roads are mapped, at least in the first world, but 1040 is also a MTB gps!!!

    I hope that this is a bug to solve in the priority to do list of Garmin's developers and not a feature, otherwise...

  • It is even worse, have tried to map the missing path trough OSM and updated it trough a custom map and also disabled Garmin’s own, even removed the one that Garmin wants to follow (no longer visible in the terrain). Even then Garmin routes trough the removed one. Think they have some kind of hidden trail-map used for showing courses and not reading the actual map. (And yes, cache is cleared) 

  • confermo. anche il mio 1040 si comporta così in fuoristrada mentre sto seguendo un percorso. Le funzioni, RICALCOLO, TIENI SU STRADA e INDICATORI di SVOLTA sono DISABILITATE.
    Questo problema dovrebbe essere risolto in quanto disorienta il biker!

  • Any update with 12.24 firmware version?

  • You are right, 15.24.