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Why is Garmin software so buggy?

I have a brand new 1040 Solar new out of the box.  My expectation would be a high end product  actually work.  There are 2 recurring issues. 

1. SOLAR- one of the main reasons i bought this vs. the 1040

-out of the box the solar harvesting did not work at all

-suggestions ranged form complete reboot to making sure the software is updated. 

I have done all.  Garmin connect is saying I am update to date and am on on Software version 12.16

On the latest ride (August, Texas, 100 degrees, SUNNY) it appeared to work after  10 minutes and then seemed to work for 5 minutes at the end.  it was consistently sunny all ride. What is wrong with this?


All Strava segments pop up fine and it gives the time to finish.  

But every segment the distance to go always shows 0

Any suggestions on either of these?  Very frustrating.