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Fitness Age and resting heartrate - calculation is wrong

I've got the problem, that the garmin calculates my fitness age five years too high, because my "resting HR" is always the average heartrate of my last ride! I added the resting HR manually in Garmin Connect (and it was transferred to the 1040) but after my ride today, it still said: "your resting heartrate is 132".

Second problem - in the app I set my "weekly intensity goal" to 350 - but the garmin still says "your goal is 150"! How can I change it?

Thank you.


  • I suppose the answer will be to wake up first thing in the morning clothed and ready to jump on my bike immediately, so that the Heart rate monitor will send "47" as my starting figure!!!

    Maybe not. In my case my Garmin Edge 1040 did not even took the lowest HR from the ride as the RHR. It took the average, which was 145 (age 58). 

    I experimented with a Venu 2 for a while wich brought pretty reliable results. But I don't like wearing a tracker 24/2 and stopped it. Garmin even pointed out in my support case that I did not wear the Venu 2 at night and said: "Do So! Now!" (at least this is how it came across). 

    As I stated earlier, the Garmin Connect ecosystem is inconsistent and due to the many flaws practically unusable. Interesting enough, I was happy with Garmin Connect before they started implementing all the new features that turned out work only if you buy even more stuff from Garmin and present your data 24/7 to them. Not going to happen. I just ignore the fitness age and intensity minutes (that stopped working on the 1040 as well) and be happy. 

  • We are looking into this problem. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

  • I did a test today. I did not wear my Venu 2 and did a ride this afternoon. This is what the app says about my heart rate (German: Herzfrequenz):

    "In Ruhe" is German for resting heart rate. As I did not wear my Venu 2, Garmin connect takes a random HR from the Edge 1040 which is just two beats below my average HR for this ride.

    This is how the past 7d now look like in GC:

    Again, again and again: this must not happen. No Training data from the Edge 1040 must be used for RHR as the Edge 1040 does not collect any data related to RHR. 

  • Hello Alexander.  Garmin say they are aware of this and are looking into it. Cheers. Mike.

  • Thank you Mike. This is why I gave a real life example so they can see what is really happening. 

  • I’ve also noticed that my HR when I was sleeping was recorded correct but later same day overridden with weird values: 95-102 for whole night. Using hrm pro plus and edge 1040

  • For what it's worth: I subscribed to the beta program and got the latest beta version 15.13. Did not resolve the problem with the RHR. 

  • In the web interface of Garmin Connect go to the watch symbol on the upper right corner, click on the Edge 1040. I had a link that says something like "Join the beta program". Did that and new betas were automatically rolled out.

  • Right. Up until a month ago my “Fitness Age” was calculated at 21. Now since I don’t have a Garmin wearable just the edge 1040 Garmin thinks my resting HR is 110 since I usually ride to the point where I turn the device on to start my course. There should be a way for non-Garmin wearable users to enter their testing HR, or to port it say from a Withings scale or Apple Watch. Lots of players in this game but we love the cycling computers!!