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Another downgrade from the Edge 1030 to 1040: fewer Custom Lap Banner data fields

I'm getting tired of finding things that my Edge 1030 could do, but are not possible or broken on my new Edge 1040. The latest thing is the Custom Lap Banner only allows 3 data fields to be shown on Edge 1040, but the Edge 1030 showed FOUR data fields (see screenshot of the Settings pages below, the 1040 is on the right).

I have my device setup to do an auto-lap every hour. Distance therefore corresponds to average speed, but average speed is quite meaningless without knowing net elevation gain/loss (I live in Switzerland), so I need 3 data fields just to summarize my speed info. On the Edge 1030, I used the 4th data field to show Normalized Power, but the Edge 1040 won't show a 4th data field, even though there is plenty of space on the screen for it. Can I please have enough data fields to show complete lap speed and power data?

Another option would be to have an additional elevation option for a single data field that shows net elevation gain/loss for the lap, rather than needing to use 2 data fields, one for ascent and one for descent.

I was expecting the 1040 to be able to do everything that the 1030, plus more. In the end, there's lots of things that I can't do with my 1040 that I could on my 1030.

Custom Lap Banner Edge 1040

  • My Edge 1030+ is limited to three fields (and the Edge 530 was the same) so it hasn't started with the 1040. My 1030+ is on FW 6.40. Not saying that access to more fields wouldn't be a good thing though, I'm ambivalent.