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Intensity Minutes and Training Status, all missing from GC as of this week.

Morning All!

I've searched and seen some things there are close-ish to my problem, but the Training Status seems unique. 

Current Garmin ecosystem:

  • F7X Solar
  • Edge 1040 (non Solar)
  • Wahoo HR band (old but it always works)

I wear my f7X all day EXCEPT when riding, at which point because of the stress on my wrists in an Aero position, I use the 1040 and HR band. 

Now, for the last month since I got 1040, no big deal, the Intensity Minutes and Training status update for my devices.

As of this week (which is conveniently when my 1040 updated) Neither IM nor Training Status are being shared between my devices.

I've done a 66-mile ride and a 40-mile ride on sequential days, and my TS is "not available", and my Intensity Minutes is only 137, which was some run from earlier this week. 

Now, let's compare this to Late June.

  • Same Equipment,
  • no changes in settings,
  • Physio true-up is on.
  • HR zones are calibrated by Percentage and Max HR is still set at 190:

Anyone have any ideas? I migrated from Wahoo SPECIFICALLY to keep all my stats centrally located and get data, and it was working just fine...

  • First, I am sorry to hear that you have seen some errors with your Training Status, and I will do my best to assist. 

    To clarify, the Edge series does not support the Intensity Minutes feature, and this is shown in your first screenshot with 0 IMs shown on a 40 mile ride. This is because you do not wear the Fenix 7X while riding, which I understand the reasons for, but this is why that day shows 0 IMs. 

    As for your Training Status, it sounds as if your timeline was reset by the update to your 1040, although this is not expected behavior. If you provide consent, I can look into your account to see if there is anything else I can determine from your data uploaded. 

  • Absolutely you can take a look and have my consent, I'd appreciate any insight here, really appreciate your time on that. 

    The Intensity Minutes thing shouldn't be expected behavior, and while not even remotely not your fault, that's not really an acceptable answer is it? Why wouldn't an Edge 1040 support Intensity Minutes by default if getting the HR data from a HR strap? Both that 66 mile and 40 mile ride had extensive HR and Breathing data provided by a band. That data is literally in the activity record itself. 

    That is part of my exact problem, why are we spending (literally at this point) thousands of dollars to be integrated into a Garmin Ecosystem that doesn't align data? I have Physio True Up enabled, and a HR band attached to my body, there is no reason that IM shouldn't be easily quantifiable, and a clear HR chart is available, for the whole day, instead of those "black out" spots.

    Actually, upon further reflection, that lack of data ALSO messes up the HR stats for the day "high of 123" really just means "high of 123 while wearing your Fenix"

    I never even dreamed that IM wouldn't be a part of the latest and greatest Edge computers, that's like checking if there are tires on a car before you buy it. 

  • Any love here on at least my Training Status issues?

  • did you manage to handle this issue? I recently saw, I think, the same problem. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. No intense minutes, no HR here:

    My setup is similar to yours, edge1040 + epix2, ridding without watch

    did u figure it out what is happening?

    Anyone else facing this issue?