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Power symbol on screen

Twice, I have had a large power symbol appear on the screen of my 1040 Solar after turning it off.  Both times, it would not turn back on when I pushed the power button on the side and I couldn't get the power symbol on the screen to go away.  It appeared to be locked up.  I had to hold the power button for a 3 - 5 seconds which made the power symbol go away and a horizontal line appear about 1/3 of the way down the screen.  Then eventually the horizontal line went away and it looked like the screen of the 1040 finally turned off.  Has anyone seen this large power symbol appear on the screen?  If so, what does it mean and how do I get out of it?

Here is a picture of the power symbol on the screen:

  • Thanks @prisching. I contacted Garmin this morning as well and they are doing the same for me. I also had another issue with my Garmin speed sensor dropping in and out throughout my rides (despite all other sensors working fine and the battery being new), but we decided to see how the new unit works before proceeding with further investigations on this. 

  • I'm noticing the same issue, although the line I've had is thicker and farther down than the photos shown in this thread.

    I'm hoping that this isn't a physical defect, but a software, I don't really want to replace my brand new unit with another.

    Those of you that are having Garmin ship replacements, do you know if you're getting a brand new one, or a refurbished one?

  • Good question. I hope new but haven't received it yet. Not sure if I can tell once received, but will report back on this thread. You have to send your defective one back and they need to acknowledge receipt before sending you a new one. Might take a good week unfort. 

  • I've been experiencing this too and have noticed a couple of patterns about when this happens:

    1. This seems somehow related to Bluetooth sync. After a ride, if I try to power down the device while the sync is in progress, or too soon after the sync has finished, then the device will often get stuck on the power symbol screen. In this case, the Garmin Connect app shows the Edge as still being connected while it's stuck powering down.

    2. If a CIQ data field ever crashes (replaced with a CIQ icon), then the device will likely get stuck the next time it's powered down.

  • Not got any CIQ, but on point 1) I think that is a good observation.

    I am sure also that if I try a quick on / off, it has frozen as it was right in the middle of a sync.  I did once just leave it when everything had frozen and the unit did actually come back and respond again.  The standby button then just worked perfect.

    I should add I’ve never once seen this power symbol.  I have seen the strange line across the screen when I’m doing the long power button hold to reset it.

  • Only experienced the problem a few times so far.

  • I experienced this yesterday. .16

    holding down the buttons didnt do anything. Luckily I was at home and connecting to the charge cable rebooted it.

  • I also had the exact same issue, as well as a power drain from >80% to 0 overnight (with unit powered off). The solution proposed by support is a replacement with a (hopefully!) new unit.

  • I also had the exact same issue, as well as a power drain from >80% to 0% overnight (with unit powered off). The solution proposed by support is a replacement with a (hopefully!) new unit.