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Fixed "Step Distance" data field on workout screen

The workout screen on the 1040 is greatly improved from the 1030, however there is a "step distance" field that is fixed and I'm not able to change this field. I'm wondering if this is a bug or by design? This field is possibly one of the single worst fields Garmin could have added for structured workouts. Nearly everyone doing a structured workout is using power or Heart Rate and distance is not something that matters at all when focusing on a power or heart rate target. 

Is Garmin able to fix this and allow us to change this data field to one of our choosing? 

  • did you figured out this?
    Having the same "problem" step distance is not that important, would rather have cadans or heart rate

  • I have the Fenix 7 watch and this doesn't even work on the Stair Stepper indoor activity. Why would step distance apply to cycling anyways?

  • First of all. Does Garmin know what are they doing? Do they test features of the devices?

    In workout the most imoprtant thing for most users is current intervall time, watts(or bpm) and target. These 3 most important things have the smallest fonts you can see on the whole workout page. More funny is that the biggest field/fonts have Step distanceRoflSee no evil that nobody needs/uses it. Just curious who in Garmin made this idea…

    I em strongly considering going back to wahoo because of workout page. So simple and good.

  • The workout screen is just a disappointment. Countless of times I have started an interval to the countdown sound only to realise that 1040 paused it and I had to press lap reset for the actual interval to begin. But I had to look down on the screen to figure what if the interval is on or not, and when I do the important information it is the smallest data field.

    And then this Step Distance, which apparently is the default field if no secondary target exists, it just plain nonsens for must of us. 

    Nothing has be done from Garmin to indicate that they will change the workout screen, you are not the only one complaining. The 1040 device is expensive and for many cyclist and important tool for training and yet I sometimes wonder how much Gamin actual care.

  • Makes no sense to have step distance on a cycling device

  • I would love to change step distance to actually be total distance or anything else rather than simply the distance of the interval.  For some reason you can only configure the bottom two fields.  Step distance is a strange choice 

  • The step distance field is a default placeholder (admittedly a poorly chosen one) for a secondary workout target field. If you don't care about the secondary workout target, you can create your own data screen which is almost identical to the workout screen (including the progress bar, graphical target representation and the graph), but without the step distance field.