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edge 1030 wont connect to sensors


I'm a newbie as such, 76 and counting, have been riding for about two years.

I have three bikes; bike 1:: static on TACX indoor rig, <this does not connect to the tacx /garmin windows app, a problem for another day>.

Bike 2:: road for winter (wet); Bike 3:: road for summer (dry).

I bought the sensor pack and fitted to summer bike, no problem, but to save the problem of constantly changing from bike to bike, I bought two more sensor packs, cadence and speed. My 1030 recognises the new sensors but wont connect to them. A big:- any ideas???

Hrm still connects no problem.

Thanks in anticipation.


Top Replies

  • My 1030 recognises the new sensors but wont connect to them

    Are you seeing any errors after selecting the sensors and trying to pair? If you could elaborate on what you see in the menus that…

All Replies

  • bike 1:: static on TACX indoor rig, <this does not connect to the tacx /garmin windows app, a problem for another day>.

    If your Win PC/laptop is bluetooth capable and your Tacx trainer cannot connect to the Desctop App, check the following:
    Before you try to connect the switched on Tacx trainer (Flux, Neo...) in the device manager of the app, check if the blue BT led is already lit on the trainer. If yes, then it is already connected to another device - e.g. iPad - even if it is in another room.

    After switching on the trainer and before starting the desctop app, the blue led must not light up.

  • Are you saying that when scanning for sensors the new cadence and speed sensors show up but then the 1030 won't connect? One suggestion is when adding the sensors, use the search all option don't use the speed/cadence option.

    I also have three bikes and all the sensors work fine. I'm also 76. Great age to be on a bike.

  • Thanks for the input. My TACX is an IFLOW and connects by USB cable. It worked fine on the original TACX TT4 setup, all sensors and controls also cable connected.

  • My 1030 recognises the new sensors but wont connect to them

    Are you seeing any errors after selecting the sensors and trying to pair? If you could elaborate on what you see in the menus that would be helpful. If your Edge 1030 is seeing the sensors when walking through the pairing process, there should be nothing preventing you from staying connected. 

    Support Center on Pairing:

  • Thanks for the tip. seperated the bikes as per instructions, searched all, sensors found and working. My fault, attempting to detect individually according to type.
