Early route termination

Is it possible to prevent my 1030+ from terminating a started route when a pass through the endpoint near the start of the route?  This happens when the start and end of the route overlap.  I often don't know where exactly the end point is so the best I can do now is not start navigation until I am well into the route.  What I would like is for the device to not terminate a long (30 mi) route when I am near the start (say 1 mi) from the start.

  • No. It’s related to the device being able to pick up the route anywhere along it.

    Are these routes you are creating?

    You don’t have to be “well into the route” to start it.

    It’s not that hard to do that restart the route.

    Ideally, you want to start the route closer to the first point than the last point.

  • Unfortunately I am generally not the route owner so I can't change the start/end route locations.  This is more of an annoyance since I can just stop and restart the route but it's a pain to do it when riding with a group.   I was hoping there might be some trick to accomplish this.  Tx for the comment.

  • It’s unfortunate more route creators aren’t aware enough about the issue. It’s generally easy enough to avoid.

    It wouldn’t be too hard to program the device to not pick the last point if one is also close to the first point.

    Some times, you can see that it will happen. In that case, load the course but start it later. 

  • It is easy enough to avoid if you are aware of the issue.  Not many are.  However if the start and end go over the same road it is sometimes hard to see the problem and is easily overlooked.  I agree that is doesn't seem that hard to reprogram the device but them I am not in change of designing updates.  

  • Of course, you aren’t in charge designing updates (so that can’t be why I mentioned it).

    It’s just that it’s an old issue and wouldn’t be too hard for Garmin to improve the situation. It’s really isn’t something people should still be dealing with.