Sudden HUGE increase in FTP when riding with Vivoactive 5 and Edge 1030

Last week I replaced my old Fitbit with a Vivoactive 5 watch. The next day I went for a ride as usual with my Edge 1030, wearing the Vivoactive. The reading from the power meter was OFF THE CHARTS (~2500 watts…crazy!) I was able to change the data for the ride but it did exactly the same thing on the next ride, and I’d like to fix it so I have normal power and calorie readings again. I tried recalibrating my power meter but I get an error and it won’t complete the process. Anyone experienced this before? What’s going on?

  • Did the headunit go to sleep at any point during the ride - cafe stop etc?  I've had this a few times, most recently this weekend when my new FTP was announced at 6338 watts.

  • Same happend for me.

    Every time Garmin restarts during ride (hard to say why - maybe because Garmin does not update 1030 anymore so old problems are not fixed), I've got crazy numbers of my FTP. Before restart it usually starts to loosing connectivity to sensors (like HR or power meter).

    The only solution I have found is to restart (power off and turn on) device every few rides and it works much better.