Purchased Euro map for a trip but can't download it. I am in U.S.

Planning a tour in Europe and bought Garmin's Euro Cycle Maps. I am using Garmin Express to attempt to download it but it estimates 4+ hours and when I return it simply stops running. I deleted all my activities and routes to make more space but not sure how to tell if it's enough. Looking through this forum I'm not even sure if I can download Euro maps and so I'm wondering why did Garmin allow me to purchase it? Guidance needed. 

  • I don't know why the purchased map won't download, given it was purchased from garmin I would be chasing it via the Garmin Support and if they can't make it happen demanding a refund.

    As a backup you can download free* perfectly compatible OSM maps from sites like https://garmin.bbbike.org/ , pick the "Garmin OSM (latin1)" or any of the "latin1" maps. not UTF-8 which does not work on some Garmins.

    There are pre-configured areas on that site but the benefit of using bbbike is that you can specify an area bounding box specific to your needs and which minimises the size of the download.

    As you might know the garmin maps are just OSM maps with a few (minor?) additions

    The downloaded extracted map file goes into the 1030 Garmin directory (or card) and you may have to enable it via the 1030 menus

    *while free to download the site operators have costs and you should make a donation to ensure the site can continue to operate

    PS The Euro maps are likely many GB in size, I have no knowledge regarding the 1030 and its SD Card setup but there are many most knowledgeable people on this site who can help  

  • This video from GPLAMA might help with the bbbike download www.youtube.com/watch

  • Thank you so much, L. It seems that even after removing old courses and activities, there was not sufficient space on the main Garmin folder to add the gmapsupp.img file. So I tried adding it to the Garmin folder on the micro disk. That worked. Is there anything I need to do to enable this Netherlands map when I arrive?

  • Glad that worked, as I said I don't have a 1030 and am not familiar with the SD card setup but on other devices if you go to,

    Menu > Settings > Activity Profiles > (Select a Profile) > Navigation > Map > Map Information

    you will see a list of the Maps installed on the 1030 (& SD card ??), it will show if the are Enabled or Disabled, you should ensure your new Map(s) are "Enabled" by selecting the Map Name and then selecting the "Enable" option

    Having done this (for all profiles you might use, if you have more than one) then you could check it is working by creating a route in the Netherlands and load it (via the Indoor Profile) and you should be able to browse the map. Best to check before you travel as after you will have enough other things to worry about.

    If you have trouble then get help from Garmin support as you have paid for it (via your original and subsequent purchase) or someone more knowledgeable than I may help.

    Good Luck with the device, maps & trip.

  • It's working, woot! Thanks again for your  help, LR.