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\Garmin folder empty

Following some problems at the beginning of the month updating the map via Garnin Express and now problems getting the Komoot app to update I decided to backup my files and do a full factory reset.

When I connect the device to my Mac I can see the files in the root of the device, a couple of files, and a \Garmin and \WBL folder but when I try to open the \Garmin folder it is empty.

I contacted Live Chat who were less than helpful and insisted on speaking to me in German until I asked her to speak to me in English. First she told me to import all my activities via the Connect website and then when I pointed out that I wasn't bothered about the activities and it was the profiles etc she pasted in some text about using mapsource.

Can anybody offer any help or am I just going to have to bite the bullet and reload everything from scratch?

  • “Backup my files” -> I guess you don’t mean you copied everything?

    “reload everything from scratch” -> I guess you mean you copied everything?

    Not clear at all.

    Resetting the device shouldn’t have removed the files.

    Macs move deleted files to a trash can. Maybe, the missing files are there?

    If you have nothing in \Garmin, you wouldn’t be able to import your activities. So, saying you "weren’t bothered about the activities” is odd because there aren’t any activities.

    I would suggest calling Garmin again. Your description of their response seems odd and not characteristic to me. Maybe, there was a language issue.