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Nonsensical messages

Nothing serious but some of the messages I see frequently on my 1030+ make me less confident about some of the more important information that it might tell me about. For example:

1) It's the end of July in a hot summer. I finish a ride and it asks me about my calorie and water consumption, which I try to answer accurately. It will then tell me "You are 4% acclimated to the heat". Huh? In several months I've gone all the way from 2% to 4%? Anyone know where it gets this calculation?

2) Numerous "High wind warning!" messages even when the wind is, at most, 10mph. Hardly "high". And my favorite is "Squall Warning!". I know that I live in the vicinity of the Great Lakes but I'm hardly a small craft out sailing on them.

Is everyone getting messages like these? Any others?

  • 1)  I believe heat acclimation is based on how hot, how hard you ride in the heat, and how often.  When you gain heat acclimation it starts to decrease the next day.  To become truly heat acclimated you have to workout nearly every day in the heat.  I sometimes get as high as 75% acclimated on the Edge, but even that's tough with having to work for a living and do other things.  Perhaps it's not hot enough or your not working as hard or often enough in the heat.  I wouldn't put too much stock in it, it's just something interesting to see.

    2)  Weather alerts are not generated by the Edge, but simply what's reported for your general area by the weather service.  So I also get things like "Maritime Weather Warnings" while deep in the woods.  Simply the inaccuracy of using broad areas for alerts by the weather services, not the Edge's fault.