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Edge 1030 plus + HRM pro dropouts

Hi All,

  I've been seeing dropouts between my HRM Pro (v8.8) and Edge 1030 plus (v6.75).  See image.  Battery status of the HRM is reported through Garmin as good - the battery is certainly a relatively new replacement, so I believe it.

Looks like it's connecting via Ant+, at least from the sensor page on the edge.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



  • I have similar issues with ant+ sensors, HRM Pro also is disconnecting during rides, powermeter etc. Beta software didn't help at all.

  • Same here.  Seems to have started rather recently.  I see reconnect messages for speed sensor and cadence.  

  • HRM Pro Plus and Fenix 6 X Pro.

    My last runs are like that. I went to two cardiologists because I thought that something is wrong with my heart but I am healthy of course. I have the strap 6 months like you. I had also hrm pro which I sent it back because the electrodes were complete damaged with high heart rate readings after few months. I really can't understand what is going on. Every run is faulty now. It disconects for some seconds and then I have high heart rates 230bpm. Also sometimes before it goes up it goes low bpm.

    Do you have any updates from your issue?

  • I've not seen it since, but then again I've not been doing so much.