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Elevation profile and total ascent inaccuracies

We all know the gradient is a bit random on ClimbPro because of the lengthy time margin and lag that Garmin uses to make calculations.

But why is the elevation profile itself so inaccurate? It should be fixed according to mapping data. However, the profile seems to have minimal relation to what's in front of me, where as my free elevation profiles on my phone are completely spot on (and also show exactly where I am on the climb). I'm looking at a 20% gradient sign on the road, and Climb Pro has it in green as a gentle incline. And I can't remember the last time I had a profile with more than two colours, despite riding long hills with all kinds of gradients.

Is this because of the poor quality of Garmin map data? Can the maps be upgraded (e.g. using OS maps instead in the UK)? And if they can be upgraded, would the elevation profile improve, as well as total ascent? My 1030 Plus is always about 20% below total ascent given on my Freerunner 745 (I assume they use the same house maps??), and way less than totals calculated by OS maps, for instance...

  • There aren’t many sources for elevation (DEM) data. So, you can’t get better maps for this. Everybody uses the same dataset (Generally).

    The OS maps are the only provided (for a fee) on microSD cards (AFAIK). Not sure if they have elevation data (in a form that the Garmin can use).

    The elevation gain is determined using a barometer. Garmin sees this as the best approach (even if it’s not perfect). Using DEM often misses elevation. The Garmin Connect website provides DEM “correction” but that is intended for units that don’t have barometers.

    Note that GPS isn’t suited for accurate elevation gain. What you describe for ClimbPro seems to indicate a problem (the ClimbPro on my 1030+ works more like one would expect except the position lags a little).

  • Thank you for the reply. 

    Do you have any suggestions how I can correct this -- or at least compare my 1030+ ClimbPro with a 'working' one (e.g. perhaps using the same GPX file, for instance, and comparing ClimbPro outputs...)?