To say I am disappointed with Garmin products right now is quite an understatement. On the other hand I love Garmin products and have been using them since my Edge 20 long ago.
This year I got my first watch an Enduro (Actually I had a forerunner 310xt awhile back I used for snowshoe running), I used my Enduro for everything, runs, bikes, sleep etc.
It was the best experience ever. I got great data from my sleep, heart rate etc and my rides and Garmin gave some pretty good guidance based on that.
Then I got a 1030+ and started using both. It seemed like they did pretty good working together. And everybody said they would sync in Connect.
For the past 3 months it has been a real mess. Most people told me to give it time, make sure to sync et. I have been syncing like crazy for months b4 rides, after rides etc and my Enduro and Edge could not be further apart on knowing what is happening with me. One says I am strained, the other says Unproductive. one says +6 at the start of a ride while the other says -4. I have 2 completely polar Training Status's in Connect and my body battery is very confused.
It is frustrating as ***. there are no other real options for an all in one system, I just wished it worked. Now i think i will take "Training status" and "Body battery" off of my Connect app and just use my bike computer like old times and use my watch data separately. It is a shame because if it all worked well Garmin could kill it with training plans and workouts.
And before anyone tells me they should work together here is a post where a Garmin employee said they do not.
" The Edge series has not been compatible with the Physio True Up feature with our outdoor series watches for 2+ years. I am unsure what the issue is preventing it but the Edge engineering team has not resolved the issue. I am sorry."
Why the *** does the edge have physio true up on it ? what does it sync with if not outdoor watches ?