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High Aerobic Shortage - still no solution

So I see many threads about High Aerobic Shortage, but apart from well meaning folks saying just train in Zone 4 or 5, there is no clear reply from Garmin that I can see.

I have been using both a Edge1030+ and a Fenix 6 and neither will give me any High Aerobic points. My training intensity varies and I spend sufficient time in Zone 4/5. Further I fail to see how you can have Low Aerobic and Anaerobic but somehow mysteriously jump between them. In other words this appears to be an algorithm failure.

Do Garmin read these forums? Has there been any response to the many threads raising the same?

Please feel free to reply that you have issues with this too or that you have a solution. (Training advice is not what I am seeking here.)

  • Something definitely wrong there - most people have the exact opposite of that, too much HA and struggle to get enough LA in.

    First thing would be to ensure that all your heart rates are correctly set in Garmin Connect; your resting HR, Max HR and your HR training zones. Don't make the mistake of thinking 'yes, I know I set them so I'm not even going back to check' as they can get messed up. Also check that you've not accidentally set up activity-specific zones (e.g. for cycling) which are blank or wrong.

    Can you post a screenshot here of what your HR zones are set up as?

  • Okay so I checked the HR for the two devices and multiple sports. I can confirm that they were pretty much all good. The only odd one out being swimming. But that was about 10 bpm low.

    I have tweaked them to now be consistent. As they were a beat or two different. Certainly nothing that should give this result that I would expect.

  • Can't see anything wrong with those. What about activities where you think you've done a fair bit of HA activity - what do they show for the Time in Zones page?

  • Well I certainly appreciate your replies, I wonder if we are heading down a path that isn't what I am looking for. As mentioned having a gapping hole between low and anaerobic is incongruous, and I am pretty happy that I am training much like I used to, same hills, same distance per week, same me. A value of zero is not right, I really am looking for Garmin to provide calculation feedback to make sense of this.

    Nonetheless here is a ride I just did, nothing special i.e. I wasn't going flat out, 37km a decent hill in it, and yet it says primary benefit is base. Sure the primary benefit may be that, but what about the secondary, given that 37% of the ride was in zone 4.  

    Compared to the last time I actually got High Aerobic - same ride, slightly higher BPM, but a lower proportion in Zone 4 - 31% compared to 37% above.

    Some just doesn't look right.

  • Make sure your Max HR is not on auto detect on your Garmin device, this happened to me, it may have happened after a software update

  • Hi !

    Do we have your permission to reach out to you outside of the Forum to gather some more information on this? 

  • Hi Garmin-Maeve

    Sure, please make contact.


  • Turning off the auto detect for max heart rate worked for me. Strange that setting has a effect on the high aerobic calculation. 

  • I had some unusually high HR number from interference or low battery levels, I change my battery which stopped resolved the spike’s. With the Garmin on auto detect max HR it set my zones incorrectly, I am now getting high aerobic readings after making the change

  • Thanks 

    I will double check this. My heart rate monitor has been a bit strange lately. Intermittently dropping out.

    Appreciate replies and suggestions.

    I have had a couple of high aerobic activities, I think as a result of my fitness apparently dropping, it has started to see things differently. But I’m not sure.