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Elevation profile

I just bought an Edge 1030 plus and on the elevation profile for a ride, it is too slow to show the UPCOMING hills.   Half the time, I have one dot on the middle of the screen and the other dot on the far right side.   It does nothing for me to see where I just traveled.   I always want to see the Upcoming elevation profile.   In addition, why can't I zoom out to see more of the elevation profile.    Also, I did a gravel/paved road ride and it is set to show all climbs.    I have 4 gravel hills with 10-14 % grade climbs and one paved ride with 9% grade climb.   Climb Pro does not show any of the 4 gravel hills, only the road climb.   Why ?   Thanks !

  • Thanks for the input.   I was talked out of buying a Wahoo.   I wonder if all GPS units have this(these) issues.   Frustrating.

  • Wahoo does not have Climb pro, it has some gradient colors introduced on the elevation profile 

    From your elevation profile, climbs are almost inexistent , test it more on other route

  • ClimbPro does not care about the surface, it is purely based on the elevation data and distance. Combined with a filter that allows you to filter out small or small and medium hills. 

    The document I publish goes in to details about what is need for climb, but in short their is minimum length and grade requirement.

    If you want to post the course file I can take a look. I suspect that data teh planned data may not match your actual in ride experience. If you provide the activity file as well I can run that through ClimbPro and see what the activity data delivers.

    On the elevation page when following a course you maybe mixing up the balloons. Your position on the elevation profile is balloon above the line. This is held in place at around 1/4 of the way across the screen from the left hand side. This gives 3/4 of teh screen to see what is coming up. Depending on what you have set the X-axis scale to that might be 0.75 miles i you have set it 0.25 miles per square.

    The other balloon that is drawn below the line is the position of the virtual partner. The position of the VP is based on the speed data that is in the course file.

    You can change the X and Y axis on the 1030 by holding the scale value until teh page changes to allow you to zoom either in or out.

  • Define climb for me.   I have Garmin set up for all climbs.   What page of the manual is that on ?

  • ClimbPro was added to the 1030+ after the manual was written. Garmin typically do not go back and add new features to their manuals.

    Maybe this will help.

    6505.Understanding ClimbPro on the Edge V1.9.pdf

  • Thank You aweatherall for the information.   It's more than I knew before.   Attached is the course file and the activity file for the course if you have the time to look at it..    As I stated, none of the gravel climbs showed up on the list of climbs or in climbpro.  All of the other climbs are gravel and they all have a grade as high or higher than the paved.   Mile 7.4 and 14.1 are two examples of gravel.     The only climb that shows up is the paved road at approximately mile 14.8

    It won't let me send you the course file and the activity file.   They have to be images.   How do I send it to you ?

  • You might have to zip the file to change the file extension, but the insert image/video/file should allow to attach things other than image files.

  • I appreciate you looking at it, at your convenience of course.  Thanks !

  • I appreciate you looking at it, at your convenience of course.  Thanks