The new SW/FW version 6.30 is not available to download at all but in the meantime old bloody irritating bugs have returned!
The most irritating and totally unacceptable returned P1 ERROR
Since a few weeks the High Aerobic Load is NOT INCREASINGat all !
This major SW/FW bug was present from June 2021 until 22 November 2021 as well in version 5.20 and only disappeared when the new version of FW/SW 6.10 for the Edge 1030 Plus was launched. See exmaples hereunder:
Exercise 14 Nov 2021 SW v5.20: 72 mins in Z3 but High Aerobic remains 0 zero !!! (Exercise Load 263)
Exercise 23 Nov 2021 SW v6.10: 40 mins in Z3 gives High Aerobic increase of 185 points !!! (of the 195 Exercise load points)
This bug was already completely unacceptable last year and now seeing it return is to me a SCANDAL.
It's reported already by other people as well on this forum and also for other devices like the 530 where there was later on said by the user/reporter that the bug was there for a long time and all of a sudden it was gone where she/he couldn't do anything about it.