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Has anyone got strava live segments to work properly when riding a course or route ? ( I have read all historic posts )

I have done my basic research into this question and even though I have followed all the earlier tips and advice, I still cannot get my strava live segments to work while riding a course created on strava or garmin. Has a anybody dealt with this problem lately ? 

Any advice greatly appreciated 


  • Just one more thing I'd like to pick your brains over if you don't mind: I have created new routes since the reset on strava and segments are indeed showing up when the route appears on GC. The only thing I don't like is that my starred segments do not appear but other popular segments do. Do you know how to ensure that my segments are included instead of other "popular" segments ?

  • That is a Strava setting.

    It used to be under "My Segments" there was a toggle to show popular segments.

    I have it switched off and cannot find the control for it now. 

  • I have found the toggle switch and turned popular segments off, yet still the segment explorer shows any segments but my starred ones. This still leaves me in the same situation that I cannot use a preplanned route if i want to use my starred strava live segments. Looks like I will have to go back to using the garmin segments or only use my edge to much less than its full potential. 

  • Right, it took 24 hours for the settings to change and eventually it has embedded my starred segments in a route created on strava. Thanks A Weatherall for your patience and help. Anyone else having similar problems please note that the segments explorer on strava route creation may not show your starred segments but once I had turned off "popular Segments" on the my segments page it took a full day before it worked right on GC

  • Strava segment you want to synchronize to Garmin Edge must be make from course with "Ride" type of sport and starred (in Strava). In other way, they don´t work properly.

  • sveto999, you are right indeed ! IfI select "ride" when I create the route in Strava, it embeds my starred segments when transferred to Garmin Connect. Even though all my routes and segments are cycling routes, it appears that I must do this to make segments work on GC. 

    Many thanks