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Has anyone got strava live segments to work properly when riding a course or route ? ( I have read all historic posts )

I have done my basic research into this question and even though I have followed all the earlier tips and advice, I still cannot get my strava live segments to work while riding a course created on strava or garmin. Has a anybody dealt with this problem lately ? 

Any advice greatly appreciated 


  • Thank you for your detailed explanation! 

    If you view the map page for the course in GC

    1- Where in GC do you view it? With `` and then under the `created by you` tab [in the web] and/or under `training/courses/my courses` [in the phone app]?

    2- How is the route transferred to GC? I guess by starring a strava-route in strava, and then just waiting for GC to fetch it in the background. Do you need to wait a long time after you starred the strava-route on strava to get this course visible on GC?


  • I think the answers are:

    • 1- yes
    • 2- yes. And waiting ~1 min should be enough.

    I now have the following problem: no segment is embedded to the course (I do not see and start/end flag on the map)

    I followed these steps:

    - star two uphill segments I want to ride

    - create a new route on that passes on these two segments

    - save and star this route

    - wait (one minute) for strava to send this route to GC

    - visualize the course in GC

    I also checked the .fit file. Obviously it does not contain any "segment_start" or "segment_end" (otherwise I would have see flags on the GC map I guess).

    Do you have any idea why these segments do not get embedded to the course .fit?

  • As  has already alluded … there seems to be an issue at Strava’s end. I also raised a ticket with Strava 2 days ago. No reply as yet. 

  • Strava and Garmin are instigating the issue. 

  • This is now back up and working

  • You will need to resend over any course that were synced while the process was broken.

  • Brilliant! Thank you.
    I could just make a quick test this morning.


    segment_start and segment_end are present in the course .fit transferred to the device

    - when riding with navigation (following the route), the segments appear Slight smile

    - BUT in GC, when viewing the course, no "flag" is shown on the map. I do not understand, since the segments are indeed embedded in the course.

    Do you have any idea why? Maybe I should enable some option in garmin connect?

  • I am dumb WearyGrimacing
    There is button "Course Points" on the GC map. Obvious!
    When activated, the pairs of purple flags appear Heart eyes.
    Everything is fine now.

  • Thanks so much for chasing that up for us. Haven’t had a chance to ride a course yet but just drew a quick one on Strava app and saved it, checked GC and all seg flags are there , brilliant ! 
    thanks again