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Features that don’t work properly

Features that don’t work properly on my and most other people I know that have one Garmin Edge 1030 Plus.

Lag in gradient display ( and yes I am aware of Garmin's response still very annoying)
Climb Pro rider position most of the time does not work properly.
Estimated time to destination since 5.2 simply wrong it used to work.
Sensors keep dropping .

Otherwise I'm quite happy with the product

As it is their premium device in this sector it would be nice if they fixed some of these problems. Yes these issues have been logged by various people so hopefully they are working on some of them

  • Oh and I missed out the weather notifications not working.

  • Don't write on this forum. Some of the smart heads here will advise you to write it on Garmin's dream form.

  • Device to device transfer always fails.

  • Sensor connection is a pretty basic function, so that's very annoying. I have the 530 and am considering to upgrade to the 1030plus but i'm not spending money to go from a unit with sensors dropping, to another one with sensors dropping.

    I keep thinking about the karoo 2 - albeit every unit has it's bugs.


  • Not possible to turn off daily suggested workout. Keep on popping up either the slider is on or off.

  • Yes, there must be a bug in common part of their software. Edge 1030 with FW10.20 or so did not have this issue. There is a thread on EDGE1030 about what garmin suggested  (switch on debugging and send result to them or so). It looks like there has been no update for 2 months now. So either they are working on releasing a new EDGE device (1040 probably?) or this bug is very serious and they are unable to solve it.

  • An almost invisible location marker on the map. I'd like to meet a man from Garmin who messed it up and thinks he's done a good job.

  • My Edge 1030 Problems.

    • 3D MApping when following a course - the road keeps disappearing
    • The temperature reads 5F to 7F high (verified with certified thermometer) My Edge 1000 was spot on.
    • Auto Sleep - works in the house after starting an activity but refuses to work outdoors on a ride.
    • The NEW style (post Edge 1000) segments display and climb pro cause the Varia Vision data fields to go blank.
    • In Garmin Express you can't see what's waiting to synchronize until you plug the edge 1030 Plus in, so have no choice in what to allow in the sync queue. All other devices allow inspection of the sync queue first (so if you want to reject an update you can't).

    I have cases open with Garmin for all of these faults. I've only had the device for a month and had the 800, 810 and 1000 before that

    • Accuweather MinuteCast not available for 1030 Plus -Garmin Weather Widget too small to read.
    • The screen is much less vibrant than previous models (possibly to save batter life)???

    When I've had significant issues in the past (and I've had lots over the years) Garmin have ended up upgrading my device to the next model - I wonder when the 1040 is coming out ;-)

    Seriously I think Garmin has lost their way with tech support (even more than before)! The Phone Support in the UK varies from totally inept with people virtually making up the answers as they go (proven by me). To only barely passable. It appears that support staff have only the most basic knowledge of individual products and no detailed knowledge from the experience of actually using the devices they are trying to support ( I blame the system they work under and NOT the individuals). You know they are often just referring to the manuals and then after that, they get support by phoning someone else - usually in the USA (Tucson id Garmins HQ). This really saddens me because the products are generally so good (even though there have always been technical issues with all of the Edge models). So many of the faults MUST have been known about prior to release - surely!! Either that or their beta testers simply aren't real life experienced Garmin users....

    Before anyone leaves Garmin to go to other manufacturers devices - please read their forums too - the grass isn't always greener on the other side...

    I have an Edge 1030 Plus/Varia Radar RTL515/Varia Vision/Virb Elite video camera plus 2 HR belts, 4 wheel sensors and a Tacx trainer.

    I don't have much choice but to stay with Garmin if I want to maintain full integration of all of my devices - I live in hope of them getting the 1030 Plus Problems Sorted so that it can finally 'do what it says on the tin'!!!

    Also with such a large screen - how come some of the widget text and icons are sooo small?!

  • Interestingly mine always work - sometimes with a minute or two's delay after starting the ride. You do of course have to have Garmin Connect running on your mobile phone and connected to your Edge by Bluetooth. (Sorry if you know that already - I'm not trying to be a know-all ;-) )

  • I have similar feeling. I have many Garmin devices (1030, tacx, virb camera, vector 3) and here each of warranty problem must have a fight. I can read another country's Garmin replacing device, however, here they try to keep back and attempt to suggest to pay something, what is actually a known issue (vector 3 wear and screw problem now and "right sensor missing" earlier, "screen halo blue" problem of 1030 edge.

    Also periodically dropping connection to sensors has been present at least 2 months now and it looks like this is a wide issues as I see complains here about 530, 1030, 1030 plus.

    Also for example virb 360 camera is no longer sold nor improved sw and stitching image or video only possible when camera is connected to the computer AND video/image is located on sd card (in camera). This means that archived raw videos should be copied to SD card first then start stitching. 

    Unfortunately that forum topic no longer followed by Garmin engineers. 

    Really sad as Garmin's vision a bit different as per their webpage...