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Device not starting after update to 5.0

After updating my 1030 Plus with the latest 5.0 SW it worked fine for few rides. Today however its stuck on the start screen and wont go further. Holding the start button for 10s just re-starts it but it gets always stuck in the same screen. Extremely dissapointing again that these SW issues keep happening on such an expensive device.

  • You can try:
    -Connect the device to your PC/MAC
    -delete (backup) all files in /Garmin/Activities and /Garmin/Courses and /Garmin/Newfiles
    -disconnect and boot the device

  • That solves the stuck re-start issue but it keeps happening. Yesterday I got up to the point of starting a ride as it froze when clicking "calibrate power meter". Deleted all files again plus removed bunch of the latest routes and segments that it seemingly has been re-syncing with several multiples (why should it do that makes no sense). Today I managed to do a ride but right after it uploaded the ride it froze again. This time there was only 1 .fit file in the Newfiles folder.

    Garmin really keeps amazing me with their appalling SW / HW quality throughout the lineup, no matter which device it seems to be guaranteed to have issues...

  • Maybe the file system got corrupt. (Probably not...)
    You check and repair this on WinPC with:
    CHKDSK X: /f (X: ... Edge drive letter)
    This procedure is harmless and can be done without any risk. For Mac there is also something like this, but there I do not know myself Wink