my Edge 1030 Plus does not update the VO2Max values nor does it show the performance condition popup since the update to V5.
The performance condition data is entirely missing from the fit file too.
It behaved normal with the previous software and since the V5 update it doesn't update those metrics anymore.
Training effect etc. is updated still.
I've reconnected all sensors (HRM, power meter, speed sensor) but this didn't help.
I've turned the notifications for the performance condition off and back on again (same for new VO2Max) but this didn't help either.
I've done workouts like before which were providing updates to these metrics.
I've not done a full reset as I am unclear if that would have a negative impact on the fitness data and data on
the device (i.e. if the existing rides etc. would sync back from connect or if these would be missing then)
Maybe there is another solution.
Any help is highly appreciated.