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Time to destination wrong with 5.00 firmware

  •  Time to destination always wrong with 5.00.

Since beta 4.22 the time to destination when following a course made with Strava is always too long : the time is almost double 

  • For all of you, who want to try this datafields with IQ HMs DIY, I've made a collection of files which might be of help.

    Find enlosed a ZIP file which contains the DIY-XML files for loading into designertool, but also the setup strings, which can be used without downloading the designertool.

    Utilities for TimeToDest and ETA


    Download 2 clones of IQ HMs DIY to your Edge 1030 or 1030 PLUS.
    It's recommended not to use clone #6, because this is used for beta-testing.

    Open Garmin Express or Garmin Connect Mobile for your device.
    Goto IQ datafields.
    Open the setup page for each clone and paste the setupstring of your choice into line 2.
    Save (and unplug the device).

    Boot it again.
    Goto the desired screen.
    Tap and hold the datafield which should show DIY datafield until it gets black.
    Chose desired IQ DIY clone #.

    Good luck!


    To get TimeToDest and ETA displayed, it is necessary to start an activity and get a value for average speed!
    Both datafields are updated each second based on current average speed!


    Here is another IQ datafield that might be of interest:

    (I havn't tested it!)

  • Thanks a lot for your explanations.

    I will do a test with IQHMs DIY this weekend 

  • I tried Distance + but I can’t manage to have it on my edge 1030 +

    here is what I have :

  • IQ HMs DIY works well for Time to Dest and ETA. It’s a very interesting IQ.Thank you mcinner1.

    SPH graph is also a good IQ which gives Time to Destination and ETA

  • I have the same issue and I can confirm it started with 4.22.

    The strange thing is, when the navigation is not running (not started or paused) then the estimations are fine - they are calculated based on the avg speed of the loaded course. But as soon as the navigation starts all the estimations change and it's hard to say what they're based on. It seems that it's not the actual avg speed as, in my case, it's higher than the course's avg speed. Please take a look at the screenshots attached.