I'm posting this, even if there is already a post regarding the same issue, becasue there many important information on that bug/issue/unhexpected behaviour are mixed in a very long discussion. Also there was no general agreement on some details of the issue.
Here I summarize only the relevant information. I know there is a ticket on this already. If you have updates from Garmin please post them here.
- Description. At some point during an activity, the device was showing the destination at 26 km, while climbpro summary window was showing the climbs of the previous destination, at 34 km, 71 km and 76 km from current position. The climbpro elevation profile window was showing the previous climb.
I took a video and I attach here some images.
This picture shows the summary window of climb pro
This picture shows the data fields, with final destination to 26 km
This picture shows the climbpro elevation profile
- Steps to Reproduce. I did not attempt to reproduce myself the issue but this is the timeline of what I did. I was navigating on a gpx track I imported and I left the correct route approximately 5 km before I noticed the issue (location "il caminetto" in the next picture).
At the turn, the device currectly informed me I was going off-route and "recalculated". I ignored the warning as I considered better staying on the road I was.
All turn-by-turn / guidance / off-road warning options were on
From "Caminetto" to half the way to "Video" the device gave me few updates on the climbpro (mabye none, unfortunately I can't be sure). This is the expected behaviour as I wasn't on the climb that I was supposed to be. However at that time I didn't realize it so that I tryed to stop the navigation. Since there only was a "pause" icon on the map, and I didn't know how to stop, I selected navigation->cities->"Villetta Barrea" (a nearby city in the same direction).
The device prompted "this will stop the current navigation..."
I confirmed.
The new destination showed up ok in the data field.
The climb pro feature was completely stuck in terms of progress, but the data fields (% and VAM) were updating ok.
After some other 2 or 3 km, I stopped and shot the video.
In this picture: brown line-imported gpx; magenta line: recorded activity.
After shooting the video I again selected random cities as destination, probably just a couple of time. At some point the pause (II) icon turned to the stop (X) icon and I quitted all navigation. At that point, the climb pro window was gone.