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Garmin 1030 plus different bikes

  • I created four different bike profiles and picked out a profile for road bike, for example, and took a tour with it. How can I automatically arrange this tour with this road bike?
    How can I choose a bike before the tour and the tour that is then driven to be assigned to this bike?
  • You cannot. If you go to and have your gear entered, you can select the items you want to be be default for specific activities.

    For cycling you will have your default bike and to change it you will need to go to Garmin Connect and edit the activity. You can also do this on the phone after the edge syncs the activity.

  • They are not really "bike" profiles rather than screen profiles. you could call them "race" "Train" "promenade" "indoor" .... and use them interchangeably with any bike

  • Is there any reason why Garmin does not allow your mountain bike to be automatically tagged in all mountain bike profile rides, and your road bike to be tagged as the bike for all road profile rides?

    Seems like this would be a simple thing to add and would save the inconvenience of having to manually tag the appropriate bike for every ride.