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Incorrect average lap power

Dear all,

I just noticed that Garmin calculates the average lap numbers (including power) and saves the averages in the fit file.

However, the average power numbers are incorrect and this is not because of rounding.

In my workout yesterday I did 30/15, with the 30 seconds around 315 watts. For one lap Garmin shows an average lap of 301 watts, and TrainingPeaks also shows this number (at first).

However, when looking at the 1-second recordings, the average of the 30 recorded values is 313 watts !

When I change a 1-second recording in Trainingpeaks, change it back to the original value and 'apply changes', the averages (of ALL laps) are recalculated and they are correct again (in Trainingpeaks).

So I had a look in GarminConnect and indeed, the averages (here called intervals) show the wrong average power numbers.

Loading the fit file into GoldenCheetah gives me the right averages (GC calculates the averages itself).


1) average power per lap calculated by Garmin and saved in the fit file by Garmin are wrong. There is no way to force Garmin Connect to recalculate.

2) TrainingPeaks 'believes' the averages in the Garmin fit file and shows them. However TP can be forced to recalculate these values.

3) Golden Cheetah calculates the averages itself.

Now this was obvious and easy to check for a short 30 second interval. I will have to take an interval of a totally different workout, much longer, will do that tonight.

Anyone noticed this before?

Probably this is something that can easily be repaired by Garmin ?

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  • The 0.13 (in the P2M app = #289) should be the latest for NGEco/NG, i have NGs and these have this 0.13 fw from FIT files, the signal quality is ~91% (with Edge 830, BT is active with mobile, maybe if it is switched off then the signal ratio can be higher a bit) and there is only 5GHz wifi in the house. But i dont have dropouts indoor (or very very rarely 1 short during a long session). The HRM's signal quality is usually 97-99%.

  • Thank you for all your work.

    It is now very clear to me how this works.

    Cause: dropouts from my powermeter

    Garmin: uses the raw data to supply information (in total and per lap), AND 'enriches' the data by backfilling 1-second records with 'most probable' values, that by doing so does not match anymore with the 'raw'-data based information.

    Normally this is not resulting in noticeable differences, but the combination of many dropouts and short intervals magnifies the differences.

    The route for this interval was mainly on a road beneath a high voltage transport system. I have been riding this road up and down doing the intervals, to have a straight road without much traffic and without junctions.

    I will dive into the dropouts and where they exactly are.

    I will also examine other workouts I did with this bike that has the Power2Mag NG (and I can confirm it has latest firmware, like Luko79 already posted) and see what I can do.

    Again, a great many thanks to you, you are of great value to this forum.

  • I'm glad it helped.

  • Hi

    I have this issue also. Best example:

    Lap #8, GC = 412W, Strava = 408W, this is because of dropouts?